Who and What God Is
Monday February 21, 2022
There are many people, mostly foolish gentiles, that don’t know who God is. To a point, it is understandable. God did not reveal Himself to gentiles. He revealed Himself to the Jews, particularly the Hebrew nation of Israel.
God is not in any way associated with Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Taoism, Shintoism, or any other Eastern religion. None of them offer remission of sins. God is not “Allah”, which is an Arabian moon god that was made popular by Muhammad Bin-Abdullah, who was born in April, 570 AD, in the Makkah Province in Saudi Arabia. The Roman Catholic Pope influenced Muhammad to start a pagan religion, so that Rome could obtain ownership of the Holy Land.
Allah was an old pagan tribal "moon god" in the Arabian Peninsula. However, the Pope lost full control of the Arabs, and a man named Al-Malik, had the Dome of the Rock built, and hijacked the legacy of Muhammad. He had a falling out with the Pope, and changed the belief system to fit his own evil agenda.
If anything, God is Jewish. His name is Yehovah. Yehovah founded the Jewish nation of Israel, and gave them the unique language of Hebrew, at Mt Sinai, in June of 1598 BC. There, He came down upon the mountain, with fire, smoke, and spoke with a loud voice, scaring the people nearly to death. So much so that they begged Moses to tell Yehovah to stop. Has any other “so called god” ever done that? No, they haven’t. All other deities are figments of the imagination of ignorant, pagan mankind.
Because of the evil of Lucifer, the archangel that we know as Satan, all modern mankind have fallen into sin. Yehovah provided a way to be freed from sin by becoming a human being, in the person of Yeshua. Yeshua became the sacrificial “Lamb of God”, shedding His sinless blood, to provide remission of sin by water immersion using His name, which is “Yeshua the Messiah”.
The question of the godhead often comes up. Many pagan gentiles that accept Yehovah as the Creator, mistakenly think that there is a “trinity” of persons in Heaven. That is false doctrine, begun by the Catholic Church, in order to maintain their polytheistic beliefs. Again, Yehovah revealed Himself as One Entity to the Hebrews. Pagan gentiles are the ones that try to make “the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost” as separate persons.
This is the mystery of the godhead revealed, so that all can understand. Let’s say that Yehovah is the Eternal Spirit, the color Yellow. He quickened the womb of Mary, by giving her a “Y” chromosome. The male child that was born had the “Y” from Yehovah, along with an “x” chromosome and 22 autosomes from Mary, in order to develop into an adult human, whom we know as Yeshua.
Since the child did not have the sin (curse) of Adam, Yeshua was born without sin. He died on the cross at Calvary, dripping His blood upon the West end of the Ark of the Covenant, hidden about 25 feet below. He rose from the dead, 72 hours later, in a “glorified body”, let’s say of the color Red. When He ascended the Heaven, He merged with His Father, and they became the color Orange.
Once you mix red and yellow together, they cannot be separated again. They are not “two colors”, but one Single Entity. What people call the “Holy Ghost”, is really the Ghost of Yeshua, given as “the Comforter”.
Therefore, there is only One Lord, one faith, and one baptism (Eph 4:5). God is an Eternal invisible Spirit(John 4:24). He is a single entity, and just one person (Deut 6:4). He is the First, and the Last, and there is no one beside Him (Isaiah 44:6). Also, Yehovah declares that He doesn’t know of any other deity (Isaiah 44:8).
Have a blessed day and week.
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws that regulate an establishment of religion, or that prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.
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