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April 12, 2022

The History of Yehovah, and the Origin of Satan, Part 1
April 12, 2022
In terms of Earth years, how old is Yehovah? He goes way back to infinity. The realm of the Eternal Spirit has no beginning nor any ending.

Therefore, how far back does infinity go?

The number nine hundred trillion has fifteen digits. The number nine hundred decillion has thirty-six digits. The number nine hundred vigintillion has sixty-six digits.

So you might ask, if our universe is only about fifteen billion years old, that is only eleven digits. Consequently, from before sixty-six digits in the past, down to only eleven digits in the past, what was Yehovah doing to occupy Himself during that vast interval of time?

So you might ask, if our universe is only about fifteen billion years old, that is only eleven digits. Consequently, from before sixty-six digits in the past, down to only eleven digits in the past, what was Yehovah doing to occupy Himself during that vast interval of time? Well? Give an answer!!

The worlds of creationism and theology never go there. But we will!!

We have to, in order to convey the origin of Satan. Lucifer was second in command in Heaven. He gathered the periodic reports from angels that were the superintendents of previous creations (universes) that Yehovah had made. However, it become boring to him.

Question: Why did Lucifer turn into Satan?

Answer: Because he asked for the responsibility overseeing a new creation that Yehovah would make, naming our universe. But it turned out that he could not righteously handle it. In order to start at the beginning of all things, we have to explain the origin of Satan, or “ha-Satan”, as the Jews refer to him.

After the end of (our) creation week, Yehovah assigned His chief angel in Heaven (Lucifer) as superintendent of this cosmos. Michael, one of the twelve(?) original archangels, was promoted to Lucifer’s former position. For more than two billion years, Lucifer served faithfully but later began to grow tired of “listening to the grass grow.” Original mankind had not advanced as quickly as Lucifer had envisioned at first, and he sought to help them along for the price of them giving worship to him, but mankind refused.

Judging by the fossil and geologic records, it seems that Lucifer tried to use “gentle” persuasion at first by causing mild geologic “occurrences.” When it became obvious that such tactics were not going to work, Lucifer became wroth and iniquity began to set in. He began to look for a way to force the earthlings to kneel down to him. By focusing on the most elementary of life forms found in the seas, using trial and error, Lucifer discovered the concept of death, which had not yet before existed.

Death is the resultant state of being that once had life. Life is the capacity to exhibit functions such as growth, metabolism, reproduction, and response to stimuli. It is also the ability to adapt to the environment in order to continue, or to improve, existence. It’s the physical, mental, and spiritual experiences that constitute existence, especially by a human being.

Physical death is the removal or termination of such functions from an entity that once had such functions. Generally, plant life is immobile but can expand while being rooted in one central location. Animal and human life is generally mobile, and the functions of life are grouped together as having the “spirit” of life. Once the “spirit” of life is gone from (or can no longer remain in) the physical body, death is the resultant state of being. All spirits are created by Yehovah.

Meanwhile, having success with the lower forms of life, Lucifer began to escalate up to higher forms of life in the seas, out of the sight of original mankind. Whenever the time came for him to go give his report to Michael who was elevated to chief archangel, it soon became clear that something was amiss. Michael conveyed his suspicions to Yehovah. So instead of there being “evolution of life,”, as the evolutionists and the world of science want to claim, it was really “escalation of death.”

Yehovah paid a personal visit to our universe, namely Earth, to see (confirm) what was going on. Needless to say, Lucifer had a lot of explaining to do. He was severely reprimanded and commanded to “cease and desist.” However, just like a spoiled teenager that thinks their room only belongs to them, and that they don’t ever have to “clean it up,” Lucifer decided that the only avenue in which he could “get his way” was to somehow overthrow Yehovah. He knew that he could not conquer Heaven by himself, so he asked God to allow him to visit the supervising cherubs in the other creations (universes) to supposedly “learn from them.” What he had in mind was to see how many he could recruit to side with him in his attempt to overthrow the Creator. Without being given specific access, no cherub leave their assigned sphere and enter into another.

End of part one.

Have a blessed day and week.
May Yeshua the Hamashiach bless you,
Love, Tele-Evangelist Lizzy

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