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April 14, 2022

The History of Yehovah, and the Origin of Satan, Part 2
April 14, 2022
Question: What was the main factor that caused Lucifer to turn evil?
Answer: Because all other superintendent cherubs were created after the universe they would 215 oversee and had no expectations. However, Lucifer had already anticipated exciting actions that did 216 not take place, and impatience got the better of him.

Therefore, do not think that Lucifer went to each angel in Heaven right under God’s nose, to try to gain support, because he had nothing of value to offer them which they didn’t already have. But when offering the administrative angels the opportunity to have absolute power over their provinces without ever again having to report back to Heaven, about 33% of the cherubs agreed to side with Lucifer, and planned to rendezvous in Heaven at a predetermined time and engage in a “surprise attack.” Even though Lucifer knew that his forces would certainly be outnumbered— two to one— he also knew that his cherubs were more powerful than most of the angels which resided in Heaven.

Let us say that a real estate developer has ownership of a twenty-story apartment building in every state in the USA. Each floor has ten units, and in the basement is a special suite. Since it would be very inconvenient for the developer to address the needs of the tenants in each of the buildings, he would hire superintendents that would live there for free in the suites. They would take care of maintenance, taxes, and collect the monthly rent, which would average out to $250 per unit. That is $50,000 per month. Let us also say that each overseer gets to keep $5,000 per month, which is a yearly salary of $60,000 a year.

Suppose a renegade caretaker travels to the other superintendents in the buildings in the other states, to try to get them to side with him against the owner. If successful, he could offer them the ability to keep all of the rent money and manage as they please. A yearly salary of $600,000 would be very tempting. This was the approach that Lucifer took when recruiting the other archangels in those other spheres.

Now, how does one angel fight against another? What weapons (if any) would be used? One angel cannot “kill” another, because in the supernatural realm, there is no physical death. So does the fight continue until one cries out “uncle?”

Yehovah knew the extra-celestial civil war was coming and had prepared His angels. It is not known when the war started or how long the war lasted. It could have been days, centuries, or even several millenniums. But the war finally ended in defeat for Lucifer and his cherubs in the year 245 million BC.

The defeated cherubs were bound in chains of darkness, and will be judged (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6) by the saints of Yeshua (1 Corinthians 6:3) during the White Throne Judgment. After those angels are judged, then come the demons, and finally all the rest of mankind will be judged, both modern and prehistoric.

Meanwhile, because of the unusual covenants made before creation week, Lucifer was only cast out of Heaven (Revelation 12:7–9). The only place that Lucifer (henceforth called Satan) could go was back to his assigned domain, which was “his home forever,” the Earth. Satan caused the greatest (first) extinction ever on Earth in his anger. He couldn’t defeat God, so he tried to destroy God’s creation and its inhabitants.

After an interval of time, Yehovah restored life on Earth, which was the era of the dinosaurs, but it wouldn’t last. After the era of the dinosaurs (245 down to 65 million BC), this cycle of restoration and extinction would occur three more times across sixty-four million years. The total history of our Earth before our modern era would include five advents of mankind, five extinctions, and five past eras of history. If you are thinking ahead, “yes,” the total would be the number seven, the perfect number.

Satan is an archangel, that does not have to option to repent of his wrong doings. He can never have forgiveness. He knows that his time of eternal torture is coming, and he wants to take as many of mankind with him to the Lake of Fire, as he can.

He is a liar, and an accuser, and is as evil as Yehovah is holy. He will embody the anti-Christ, and the false prophet, and persecute the saints during the “great tribulation” for 3 ½ years. Then, at the second coming of Yeshua with His angels, Michael will grab hold of Satan, bound him in chains, and put him in the bottomless pit, in the center of the Earth.

He will be bound there for 1,000 years, while there is peace on Earth, and the saints are in Heaven. Then, after the 1,000 years are finished, Satan will be loosed for seven years, to do the last of his dirty work. This is the time of the Gog and Magog armies fighting against Israel.

However, before the war is lost, Yeshua will come again from Heaven, but this time with His saints, and kill the Gog and Magog armies with fire from His mouth. Satan will then be cast into the Lake of Fire, and burn there forever and ever, and ever “without parole”.

End of part two.

Have a blessed day and weekend.

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