The Beast, The False Jesus, And The Rapture, Part 2 - Deceit
On the fifth day in Genesis chapter one, Yehovah created the sea monsters (dinosaurs of the sea) and the first birds during Restoration Week One, an interval of time after the first (great) extinction in 245 Million BC. The land dinosaurs and (the second era of) mankind of that week were not shown to Moses. As all of the previous four days, this vision began in the evening, and ended the next morning. When certain things which were hidden are understood, and brought to light, we begin to see why they were done, whether it was for good, or for evil. One such planned subversion was for the slaughter and elimination of true Christianity, Judaism, and later, Protestantism.
It should not be a surprise that Rome embraced the occult, paganism, and added in a false form of Christianity, calling it Catholicism. By the time that the Pope held the title of Pontifex Maximus, he was the most powerful man on Earth. Since the Pope was yet in his sins, absolute power corrupted absolutely, so Islam was created and controlled behind the scenes, to help get rid of true Christianity and the Jews in Asia Minor and Africa.
What was true Christianity? From now on, I’ll call them Disciples (of Yeshua). They believed and practiced the new birth, which was 1) water immersion using the name of Yeshua, for the remission of sins, and 2) receiving the Holy Ghost, evidenced by the spirit speaking, to have the power to live a sin-free life. The Catholic regime changed the scriptures, replaced water immersion with sprinkling or pouring, and began using the titles “Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost”, for water baptism to be in line with their polytheism. With the Catholics, there was no remission of sins, and the Pope was the one that would forgive sins (Vicar of Christ). If you wanted something from God, you would have to go through “the Virgin” Mary (worship of Isis).
Yet another “secret order” of Catholicism arose, and they were the Knights of Templars. You can look them up yourself on what they did. My point is that they showed a certain face on the outside, but the inner circle engaged in perverted Luciferian worship. The King of France, on October 13,1307, had them arrested and executed for “insulting the Cross”, the worship of the (false) god Baphomet, and gross sexual perversion, among other things. Their leader was Jacques De Molay, and you will hear of that name again. It should not be a surprise that sexual perversion has remained a hidden part of the Catholic religion, and its counterpart (Islam).
Meanwhile, by now, Islam had split into the Shiites and the Sunnis, and had secrets of its own. Some of the known secret orders were the Assassins, Fatimids, Ismailis, Karmathites, and the Druses, who appear to have been the most involved in the occult. A secret deal was made to kill or run off the Disciples and Jews in Asia Minor and Africa, but not to damage the Catholic buildings, nor hurt the Augustine monks, and to turn over Jerusalem to the Pope. However, the Muslims decided to keep Jerusalem for themselves.
The power and prestige of the Pope was reduced, when the Eastern Orthodox had split from Rome, on which the inner circle would pour out their revenge. It is surmised that the Roman/Islam connection could have played a major role in the Eastern fall to the Ottoman Empire. This type of deceit would show up again. Now, enter the Reformation.
The paganism and ungodliness of the outward Catholic Church had come into question. When refugees of the Eastern Orthodox, because of the defeat by the Ottoman Empire, had brought their bibles to the West, and it was learned that the Catholic regime had changed certain scriptures, many wanted to leave Catholicism for something closer to the truth. Martin Luther is credited for igniting the cause that started Protestantism, a collection of faiths that taught that a person could “go” to Jesus directly, without the Pope or Mary being the mediator.
Unfortunately, they didn’t have the true knowledge and understanding of the Godhead, and kept the false doctrine of the Trinity, therefore they still did not baptize correctly. The Papacy saw this as a further erosion of power and control over the people. Enter the Jesuits.
The Order of Jesuits was founded by a man named Ignatius Loyola, on August 15, 1534. It was sanctioned by Pope Paul III on September 27, 1540. Their mission was to secretly cause chaos, civil unrest, and even wars, to eliminate Protestantism, and force the world back to Catholicism, and under the rule of the Pope. Its leader would become known as the Superior General, since it was a military order, and would be commonly called the “Black Pope”.
For a while, they tried to be called the Society of Jesus, but that disguise didn’t last. In today’s world, the “Black Pope” is said to be in control of the Military Oder of Malta, Freemasonry, the Nation of Islam (Fruit of Islam), Opus Dei, the Klu Klux Klan, Knights of Columbus, the Mafia Commission, B’nai B’rith, and the Order of the Illuminati.
For probably centuries, the “white Pope”, the one that people see and go visit, has been taking orders from (or at least controlled by) the Superior General. Now that the elected (white) Pope is Jorge Bergoglio, who has taken on the name of Pope Francis, and was the top Jesuit in Argentina, we can now guess who is in command. The current Superior General is the Reverend Father Adolfo Nicolás, who is soon to retire, and (maybe) unite the “black Pope” office with the “white” Pope Francis.
Those of you that are older, perhaps you remember when President John F. Kennedy went on television and warned the nation of “secret societies”. He tried to undo the damage that President Wilson had done when Wilson signed the bill that give birth to the Federal Reserve in 1913. Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, returning power to the U. S. Treasury to print money, so that the US economy would not be controlled by private bankers. The Secret Service, who guard the President, are Federal Reserve employees. Jesuits control the bankers. The Jesuits also trained and controlled another group. Enter the Order of Skull & Bones, in Part 3.
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws that regulate an establishment of religion, or that prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.
Disciples of Yeshua