The Expected Two Witnesses Part 2
Eighty-four hours after they are killed, both Enoch and Elijah will stand to their feet. They will look up into the evening sky. I suspect that it will be a clear warm night, where they will be able to see the first sliver of the renewed Moon on the horizon. Three stars will be showing, making it officially sundown. Then, a loud voice from up in the sky will say these words, for all to hear. “Come up here”!!!! Then the two will be taken away up into the upper atmosphere, out of our solar system, out of our galaxy and brought back to Heaven, where they will give their report to Yeshua, the High Priest. This will be the fulfillment of the Day of Trumpets.
In the first and second temple periods, whenever the first sliver of the renewed Moon appeared at sundown, it marked the beginning of a new Hebrew month. Those in Jerusalem that saw it would go to the temple gates and see if they would be “called up” by the high priest to a room where they would be questioned about what they saw. The high priest would stand outside on a balcony and point to who he wanted from the crowd gathering outside and say, “Come up hither.” Two witnesses would be allowed to come up to a room and describe what they saw, confirming that the renewed Moon for the new month had been sighted. Then the call would be made to light the signal fires on the hilltops across the land to let all of Israel know that a new month has officially begun.
In the case of the two witnesses, people will see a sample of what the rapture will look like. I suspect that the two witnesses will be resurrected into glorified bodies. A few moments will pass in order for those around them to see that their bodies have changed. Then, all of a sudden, after the call to them is made, they will be quickly shot up into the sky, like the saints will be 3 ½ years after that, when Yeshua comes with His angels to defeat the armies of the anti-Christ.
Once the two witnesses are gone, within three months, the anti-Christ will defile the new Temple. I’m guessing that this will be about the time of Hanukkah, maybe in early December 2026, or December 2027. Then, the words of Paul will come to past (2 Thess 2:1-4).
In those verses, I don’t think that the words “falling away first” is the correct interpretation of what Paul wrote. As I was taught by a man named Michael Rood, it should have said “except there first be a rebellious stand, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition”. Also, keep this in mind. When Paul wrote this, the temple in Jerusalem was still standing, and the saints thought that Yeshua was coming back within a few years, probably in their lifetime. So they were looking for the anti-Christ to come and defile the Temple that was still standing there when Yeshua ascended up to Heaven.
It is widely known about the danger of accepting the mark of the Beast. Why would anyone in their right mind want to accept it? I am thinking that it might be connected to vaccines that various governments are trying to force people to take. It was shown that a certain variety of the vaccine had an aluminum lifeform hidden in it. I am wondering if that lifeform will cause many to accept the mark, when they ordinarily would not accept it? In some way, or somehow, many people will accept the mark, and more than just the atheists will take the mark. So will it only be peer pressure that makes them do it, or will it be something in their system that compels them to take it? As a personal remark, I don’t trust anything that the New World Order wants me to take. You make your own decision.
While the two witnesses are testifying against the anti-Christ, six of the seven trumpets will blow, as you read in the book of Revelation (Revelation 8:6-13).
Now, I am only trying to guess, because I do not know. It would appear that the seven angels will begin blowing their trumpets after the two witnesses begin their testimony in Jerusalem (Revelation 9:1-8).
Is all of this going on while the two witnesses are prophesying against the anti-Christ? Are people going to blame them for the events that are occurring (Revelation 9:13-21)? We will have to wait and see.
Now, the sixth angel has sounded, and two more trumpets remain. They are the seventh trumpet, when great voices will shout in Heaven, and the eighth trumpet, which will resurrect the dead in Christ. Please now go read about the resurrection of the two witnesses (Revelation 11:11-14). It is expected to be on the sabbath.
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws that regulate an establishment of religion, or that prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.
Disciples of Yeshua