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April 07, 2023

Passover vs Easter
April 9,2023
Long but worth the read!
Passover, the first feast of the year, was first enacted near the end of Israel’s slavery in Egypt, in the month of April, in the year 1598 BC. It is then, that Yehovah began to institute the seven feasts, beginning with Passover. With the renewed Moon appearing maybe on the evening of April 10, 1598 BC, a new calendar, the first day of the first month (Aviv), was given to Israel.

The KJV mistakenly spells it “Abib.” But it is AVIV. Nine days later, on Saturday, on the tenth day of Aviv (the morning of April 19), the chosen lambs were examined for a period of four days. They would be later sacrificed after completion of four days of examination on the fourteenth day of Aviv, which would be the afternoon of Wednesday, April 23. On that day, the lambs were killed, and their blood was smeared upon the door posts of the dwellings of Israel.

On this first occurrence of Passover—the actual “passing over” of Yehovah, occurred after the enactment of the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread began, which was on Wednesday at sundown, because Yehovah came at midnight, which followed the start of the fifteenth of Aviv. All Hebrew days start in the evening after sundown (evening and the morning). During the afternoon of the fourteenth of Aviv, Israel was to roast the lambs and have the “Passover (Seder) meal.” After sundown on Wednesday, they began the seven day feast of unleavened bread. The actual death of the firstborn occurred on the fifteenth day of Aviv around midnight of April 24, the dark hours of Thursday morning.

Later that day, Pharaoh sent for Moses and said the people could now go free, and that they could obtain donations from the people of Egypt.

Exodus 12:35–36
And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment:

And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.

They began their departure from Egypt on Friday morning, April 25, still eating the unleavened bread made in haste, through Tuesday evening, April 29, which ended the seven day feast. Then the two day crossing of the Red Sea began.

Israel left Egypt on Friday morning, on their way to pick up the body of Joseph, in the town of Succoth. Sunday morning, they opened the tomb and obtained the mummy of Joseph. This served as the initial First Fruits Offering.

Now, once the Hebrews dwelt in the land of Israel, on the tenth day of Aviv, the high priest would leave the temple, go to Bethlehem, which was five miles away, and choose the most perfect male lamb he could find. He would then journey back to Jerusalem with the lamb, pass through the east gate of the city, and make his way to the temple platform with the lamb. It was a yearly rehearsal for the appearance of the Messiah. The premier lamb would be tied to a post so that any and every one could examine the lamb to try to find any flaws. At the end of the fourth day of examination, if no blemish was found with the premier lamb, the high priest would loudly proclaim, “I find no fault in him.” Thousands of lambs would be killed and roasted in the ovens at the temple on Passover, starting about 9:00 AM (the third hour). However, the premier male lamb would always be the last one to be killed, usually at about 3:00 PM, after which, the high priest would shout, “It is finished.”

Let’s back track a little. On Wednesday, September 24, AD 27, was when Yeshua fed the four thousand men (plus women and children) with seven loaves and a “few small fish.” You can read about this in Matthew 15:32–38. Six days later, on September 30, which was the tenth day of the month of Tishri, the day of Atonement, Yeshua had just turned thirty years of age. On that day, He was ordained as the Cohen Gadol, the divine High Priest, at His transfiguration in the presence of Peter, James, and John. It was the 227th day of His 491-day ministry (seventy weeks).

This enabled Yeshua to fulfill the feast of Passover as the High Priest of God, after the order of Melchezedik, and as the Passover Lamb of God. On Saturday, April 24, AD 28, the tenth day of Aviv, Yeshua rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, maybe six minutes ahead of Caiaphas, the high priest, who was returning from Bethlehem with the premier lamb he had chosen, on that Sabbath day. That’s why the multitude was there with their palms. There was no such thing as Palm Sunday.

The gathering in the streets leading to the temple was supposed to be for Caiaphas, who served as high priest at the time. It was the end of the sixty-second week (434 days) of Yeshua’s 490 day ministry. The second level of Archangel Gabriel’s prophecy given to Daniel was about to be fulfilled.

Daniel 9:26
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself.

Three and a half days later, after sundown on Tuesday evening, April 27, which began the fourteenth day of Aviv, Yeshua was arrested and taken to a mock trial. After being paraded around to different authorities during the night, take note on what Pilate, the governor, said on Wednesday morning, in John 19:4:

John 19:4
Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him.

Yeshua was led out and crucified about 9:00 AM Wednesday morning on April 28, AD 28. This was the 14th of Aviv. Being made the High Priest at His transfiguration, after the order of Melchizedek, on the Day of Atonement, seven months earlier, Yeshua said the following about 3:00 PM, found in John 19:30:

John 19:30
When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished", and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

It was about the time the premier lamb was put in the oven. It now was the middle of the 63rd week of Yeshua’s 70 week (490 days) ministry, when his blood was shed and flowed down the cross into a crack in the rock, caused by an earthquake. The blood dripped upon the west end of the Ark of the Covenant, which was positioned about thirty feet below the cross of Yeshua. It had been hidden there by Jeremiah and other priests in 587 BC, before Babylon entered Jerusalem and destroyed the temple.

Yeshua is “the bread of life.” Leaven (yeast) is symbolic of sin. Yeshua was born, lived His life, and died without sin. As you would put unleavened bread in the oven, Yeshua was put in the tomb about 5:30 PM. The Feast of Unleavened Bread began that Wednesday evening at sundown, April 28, AD 28, and Yeshua remained in the tomb for seventy-two hours.

The first evening of Unleavened Bread is a high Sabbath. It is called the day of preparation, because the priests would go and prepare for the feast of First Fruits. On the afternoon of Passover, the priests would go to the Kidron Valley after all the lambs had been roasted, and begin to tie together 24 stacks of the barley crop. The priests would bind together the stacks so that when they later returned on the following Saturday evening at sundown, when the Sabbath was over, they would cut the barley with a cycle at ground level, and take the barley to the temple.

After binding the barley, the high priest had to stay in seclusion until he offered the First Fruits Offering on Sunday morning. After the crucifixion, Caiaphas stayed in seclusion for three days, from Wednesday evening until Sunday Morning, during such time that he could not be touched by another person.

On that Friday, two Roman seals were put on the tomb. A Roman seal was the drilling of a hole through the rolling stone into the sides of the tomb wall at a downward angle. Then hot lead would be poured into the hole, and an iron rod was inserted.

The chief priests and Pharisees had gone to Pilate, the governor, to make that request. The left iron rod can still be seen at the Garden Tomb outside Jerusalem. The high priest and his entourage went outside the walls of Jerusalem and entered the Kidron Valley near sundown on Passover, after Yeshua had been put in the tomb. An earthquake had occurred while Yeshua was on the cross and disturbed twenty-four graves (boxes of bones) in the cemetery of the Mount of Olives. Those graves were being “marked.”, just like the stacks of barley. Three days later (after seventy-two hours) after being put in the tomb, about 5:30 PM on Saturday, May 1 AD 28, the Lord of the Sabbath, rose from the dead on the Sabbath, vanishing from the tomb and reappearing somewhere else. For the next twelve hours, the Roman soldiers would be guarding an empty tomb. Yeshua had thus fulfilled the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

On Sunday, the morning after His resurrection, Mary Magdalene wanted to embrace Yeshua, but He told her not to touch Him “because I have not yet ascended to my Father.” What He was saying was that the twenty-four “elders” that He had resurrected after He left the tomb, were still in the city, and He had to take them to Heaven to present them to Yehovah in order to fulfill “the Feast of First Fruits” offering, as the High Priest.

Those are the events that surround Passover each year. It starts with the examination of the barley crop at the end of the 12th month, called Adar, to see if it will be ready for the first fruits offering. If it is not ripe enough, a 2nd 12th month is declared, named Adar bet. At the end of the 2nd 12th month, the first month of the year is declared, called Aviv, when the first sliver of the renewed Moon is seen, or 30 days after the start of the 2nd 12th month. When there is cloud cover and the renewed Moon can’t be seen, a 30th day is declared by default, and the next evening starts the new month.

Now, I will talk about the evils of Easter.

Semiramis, the widow of Nimrod, died. The “handlers” (or priests) of sun god worship, started the belief that she was received up in Heaven, and was sent back to Earth in a giant egg. It supposedly landed in the Euphrates River, and she emerged as Ishtar, the goddess of sex and fertility, and she turned a bird into an egg laying rabbit, in order to demonstrate her divinity. Later, Ishtar was renamed “Easter”. You’ll find the term “Easter” in the Bible, Acts 12:4.

In the land of Shinar, and spreading to Canaan, they had designated places called “caves of Tammuz”. Priests at these places would impregnate virgins on the first Sunday after the vernal equinox, calling it Easter Sunday. It was hoped that the children would be born near December 25, for “Child-mas”, to be sacrificed to a fiery god. Those that weren’t born “at Child-mas” were killed at Easter, and eggs supposedly laid by the rabbits were dipped in the blood of the killed three month old babies. Then another round of virgins were impregnated in the caves of Tammuz, to keep the cycle going.

The Catholic Church evolved in Rome, in the third and fourth centuries. It combined pagan sun god worship with fragments of what was thought to be Christianity. Child-mas was changed to Christmas, with Christ being born on December 25, the birth day of pagan sun gods. The forty days of “weeping for Tammuz” was moved to start on what was called “Ash Wednesday”, saying that it was to commemorate the forty days that Jesus fasted in the wilderness. It was moved in order to end, on the day after “Good Friday”, and just before Easter Sunday. Sundays during that stretch of time were not included.

Easter was celebrated with the dyeing and searching for eggs laid by fictional rabbits, and eating ham to commemorate the boar the killed Tammuz. The day of the crucifixion was changed to Good Friday, in honor of Dagon the fish god, when fish is to be eaten, and recognition of the resurrection was changed to Easter Sunday, a week after what was called “Palm Sunday”, when Yeshua was thought to have ridden into Jerusalem. However, Yeshua rode into Jerusalem as the Messiah on Saturday, crucified on Wednesday, was still in the tomb on Friday, and rose from the dead on Saturday the Sabbath. He did not resurrect on Sunday.

The End

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