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February 17, 2024

The Whole Truth of Biblical Creation, Part 6 of 7:

Chronologically, the fourth day was first, since it was the only day of Creation Week that was revealed.

In the first three days of our Creation Week, Yehovah created our expanse of (outer) space, created the interior of Earth, and formed the exterior of the Earth, with rivers, seas, mountains, valleys, and vegetation. But Moses was not shown those days. Again, the only day vision of Creation Week shown to Moses was of the fourth day.

At this time, our Earth was an empty floral paradise. There was one complete land mass. The Moon, along with all other celestial bodies in our solar system, at first were craterless. The planet Venus originally had white clouds. The planet Mars was created with rivers of flowing water and abundant vegetation. The fifth planet was a geologic wonder, being part terrestrial rock and part gaseous. The sixth planet (now the fifth), which we call Jupiter, had close to eighty moons, but also had an oval comet (Shoemaker/Levi-9), which orbited Jupiter about every two years.

After creating the billions(?) of galaxies and solar systems across our universe, Yehovah wanted original mankind to see the wonderful beauty of the cosmos. Therefore, He advanced the light rays from their sources, such that the farthest stars could instantly be seen from the vantage point of the Earth. That is why we cannot use light rays from distant stars as a means to calculate the age of our universe.

The celestial bodies were given to us as a sign to be seen in the heavens. What good is a sign if it can never be seen, even after thousands and millions of Earth years? Therefore, since there was no man on the Earth on “the first day” that Moses was shown, the “lights in the firmament” went dark, causing the darkness of the first day that Moses saw. It was Divine light that was created on that “first day”.

Instead of debating the age of the Earth, why don’t “young Earth” believers debate the age of the Moon?

They seem to keep away from that. How old were those Moon rocks again? They ranged between three and over four billion years old. In my opinion, the Moon is the best celestial body to use as a gauge in order to calculate the age of the universe. It is only three days (seventy-two hours) younger than the Earth, created on the fourth day of Creation Week. To those that adhere to “flood geology”, Noah’s flood did not occur on the Moon.

In Exodus 20:11 (…and all that in them is), by the end of the third day (Tuesday) of Creation Week, God already had made preparations for the end times. For example, He had made provision for the place called “Sheol”. In the future, it would be occupied by righteous souls on one side and ungodly souls in torment, awaiting judgment, on the other side. Yehovah saw “the end from the beginning.”.

On the fifth day of Creation Week, which Moses did not see, Yehovah created sea creatures, such as the helicoprions and trilobites. There is no known evidence that God created flying animals during this era.

On the sixth day, God created the land animals, such as the eryops and dimetrodon. He also created original mankind, male and female. They would not be “in the image of God”. That was reserved for a later advent of mankind.

On the seventh day of Creation Week, God rested, and observed His work. On the next day, which was the first day of the second week of Earth’s existence, instead of creating a new cherub, Yehovah introduced Lucifer to mankind as the caretaker.

Michael, one of the twelve(?) original archangels, was promoted to Lucifer’s former position. For more than two billion years, Lucifer served faithfully, but later began to grow tired of “listening to the grass grow”.

Original mankind had not advanced as quickly as Lucifer had envisioned at first and he sought to help them along for the price of them giving worship to him, but mankind refused.

Judging by the fossil and geologic records, it seems that Lucifer tried to use “gentle” persuasion at first by causing mild geologic “occurrences”. When it became obvious that such tactics were not going to work, Lucifer became wroth, and iniquity began to set in.

Isaiah 14:12-14
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Remember the verse in the bible that warns against the “love of money”? Well, Lucifer began to crave worship, to the point that he wanted to exalt himself “above the stars of Yehovah”. He was consumed with pride and began to look for a way to force the earthlings to kneel down to him. By focusing on the most elementary of life forms found in the seas, using trial and error, Lucifer discovered the concept of death, which had not yet before existed.

Having success with the lower forms of life, Lucifer began to escalate up to higher forms of life in the seas, out of the sight of original mankind. Whenever the time came for Lucifer to go give his report to Michael, who was elevated to chief angel in Heaven, it soon became clear that something was amiss. Michael conveyed his suspicions to Yehovah. So instead of there being “evolution of life”, as the evolutionists and the world of science want to claim, it was really “escalation of death”.

End of Part 6.

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