The Whole Truth of Biblical Creation, Part 7 of 7:
Yehovah paid a personal visit to our universe, namely Earth, to see (confirm) what was going on.
Needless to say, Lucifer had a lot of explaining to do. He was severely reprimanded and commanded to “cease and desist”. However, just like a spoiled teenager that thinks their room only belongs to them, and that they don’t ever have to “clean it up”, Lucifer decided that the only avenue in which he could “get his way” was to somehow overthrow Yehovah…, or at least “win his independence”.
He knew that he could not conquer Heaven by himself, so he asked God to allow him to visit the supervising cherubs in the other creations (universes) to supposedly “learn from them.”. What he had in mind was to see how many he could recruit to side with him in his attempt to defeat the Creator.
Without being given specific access, no cherub could leave their assigned sphere and enter another.
Question: What was the main factor that caused Lucifer to turn evil?
Answer: Because all other superintendent cherubs were created after the universe they would oversee and had no expectations. However, Lucifer had already anticipated exciting actions that did not take place, and impatience got the better of him.
Therefore, do not think that Lucifer went to each angel in Heaven “right under God’s nose”, to try to gain support. He actually had nothing of value to offer them which they didn’t already have. But when offering the administrative angels the opportunity to have absolute power over their provinces without ever again having to report back to Heaven, about 33% of the cherubs agreed to side with Lucifer.They planned to rendezvous in Heaven at a predetermined time and engage in a “surprise attack”. Even though Lucifer knew that his forces would certainly be outnumbered— two to one— he also knew that his cherubs were more powerful than most of the angels which resided in Heaven.
Yehovah knew the extra-celestial civil war was coming and had prepared His angels. It is not known when the war started or how long the war lasted. It could have been days, centuries, or even several millenniums.
But the war finally ended in defeat for Lucifer and his cherubs in the Earth-year 245 million BC. Yes, that’s the time of the “Great Extinction”.
The defeated cherubs were bound in chains of darkness and will be judged (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6) by the saints of Yeshua (1 Corinthians 6:3) during the White Throne Judgment. After those angels are judged, then come the demons, and finally all the rest of mankind will be judged, both modern and prehistoric.
Meanwhile, because of the unusual covenants made before our creation, Lucifer was merely cast out of Heaven (Revelation 12:7–9). The only place that Lucifer (henceforth called Satan) could go was back to his assigned domain, which was “his home forever”, the Earth. He blamed the Earth for his failures. Satan then caused the greatest extinction ever on Earth in his anger. He couldn’t defeat God, so he tried to destroy God’s creation (our solar system) and its inhabitants. I would think that this would be the time of the destruction of the fifth planet, which is now the asteroid belt. The debris was used for the first massive bombardment of our solar system. This ended the 4+ billion-year era of Creation Week, in about 245 Million BC.
After a while, Yehovah restored life on Earth, which was the era of the dinosaurs, during restoration week one.
Moses only saw the fifth day of that week, when he saw the “sea monsters” and the first birds. This era would only last 180 million years before another big extinction would occur, in 65 Million BC, being the death of the dinosaur era.
After another interval of time, Yehovah again restored life on Earth, during what would be restoration week two.
Of this week, Moses only saw the sixth day, when God created herbivores, and also mankind in God’s image.
I would assign this to about the year 64 Million BC. Genesis is the first book written by modern man that makes reference to prehistoric mankind. Stone pottery which was made during this era (55 Million BC, the time period of Job) was found. They are cataloged and hidden in the basement of the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley.
This is not the same day that you read about in Genesis chapter two. They are two different time periods.
The male and female in chapter one were the third advent of mankind. Adam and Eve were the sixth advent of mankind on Earth. So neither chapter one, nor chapter two are a “creation account”. Chapter one is the history of Earth “at a glance”. Chapter two is the origin of modern mankind, starting in about 7200 BC, after the Ice Age.
The final analysis of the seven days is this: Creation Week, day four, denoted by Passover
Restoration Week One, day five, denoted by Unleavened Bread Restoration Week Two, day six, denoted by First Fruits Restoration Week Three, day seven, denoted by Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) The above are the feasts of the Spring.
Restoration Week Four, day one, denoted by Day of Trumpets Restoration Week Five, day two, denoted by Day of Atonement Restoration Week Six, day three, denoted by Feast of Tabernacles The above are the feasts of the Autumn.
The fourth day (Wednesday, when Yeshua was crucified) is first, which signifies Passover. The fifth day (Thursday, a High Sabbath) is second, which represents Unleavened Bread. The sixth day (Friday, when the Romans sealed the tomb) is third, which represents First Fruits. The seventh day (Saturday, when Yeshua arose and passed through the tomb walls) is fourth, which signifies Pentecost.
The first day of Moses (Sunday, when Yeshua took the twenty-four resurrected elders to Heaven) is fifth, which represents the Day of Trumpets. The second day (Monday, of the modern era) is sixth in line, which represents the Day of Atonement. Finally, the third day (Tuesday, belonging to the future) is seventh in line, representing the everlasting Feast of Tabernacles, when Yeshua shall reign on Earth from the New Jerusalem forever, not just a thousand years.
Therefore, Genesis chapter one is a highlighted history of Earth, conveyed by seven days, from seven weeks, where each week was taken from the beginning of seven different time periods. Therefore the seven days are not linear, but spread across seven different epochs. Each day was from one of seven different weeks (Creation Week, followed by six restoration weeks), with an extinction period at the end of the first five eras.
Chapter two is only the beginning history of modern man, and how Yehovah tricked Satan in to hanging
himself. The tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was not put in the garden to test man. It was put there to create a loophole in God’s covenant(s) with Lucifer, in order to righteously take back ownership of Earth.
Consequently, all of the book of Genesis is entirely true history.
End of Part 7. An epilogue follows.
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